Everything To Do The Day Before A Family Trip

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Everything To Do The Day Before A Family Trip

Leaving for an extended family trip or vacation can be a nerve-racking experience. As a parent, not only are you responsible for ensuring all the essentials are packed, but preparing young children for a long trip is a challenge in its own right. Between travel sickness, multiple bathroom breaks and meltdowns over forgotten toys, the last thing you need during your journey is the sudden realisation that you left the back door unlocked. To save you the hassle, here is a list of things to do the day before a family trip.  

Clean Out The Refrigerator

Returning from a trip to be greeted by a fridge full of expired food is guaranteed to exacerbate the post-vacation blues. In the days leading up to your departure, try to use up all of your perishable items to ensure nothing will go bad while you’re away. Do the same for your fruit bowl, lest you return to a house full of fruit flies. You could even make a picnic for the journey so nothing goes to waste. 

Make Sure You’re Packed

Leaving packing until the last minute is a recipe for disaster. If you have a large family with multiple children, packing for a trip will likely take more than a couple of hours. To save you from panicking, start packing essentials like clothes, towels and toiletries at least a week prior to your departure so you have plenty of time to double-check your bags and account for forgotten items. 

Check In With Your House/Pet Sitter

Booking a house or pet sitter grants you peace of mind that your home and furry family members are safe and well looked after while you’re gone. Kennels and catteries may be convenient, but the experience can be stressful for some pets. Fortunately, you can book professional, verified pet sitters through online agencies like MindMyHouse and TrustedHousesitters. Alternatively, you could ask a trusted friend or family member who is already familiar with your home and pets to move in temporarily. Just make sure you check in with them the day before you leave. 

Notify Your Alarm Company

Before leaving the house, it is always worth checking your security system. If you have cameras, ensure they are fully connected and pointing in the right direction. You should also check in with your alarm company to inform them you will be out of the house for the coming days or weeks so that they can be extra vigilant in the event of an intrusion. Furthermore, if you have organised a house or pet sitter, inform your alarm company of their contact details. 

Ready The Car

Preparing the family car the night before you’re due to leave is highly recommended. Struggling to fit everything and everyone in safely and comfortably can be a tricky endeavour, so make sure you load up the suitcases, clip in the booster seat, and fill the tank with gas in advance, making the morning of your trip a breeze. It is also worth checking the tyre pressure and engine fluids to guarantee a safe journey. You can read more about preparing your car for a family road trip here

Change The Bed Sheets

Coming home from a trip and falling into soft, clean bedsheets truly is one of life’s great joys. You will likely be exhausted from your journey and in need of a nap, so make sure your bed sheets are fresh and inviting. The same goes for the rest of your house. Coming home to mess and clutter can be remarkably dismal, so if you can spare the time, give your property a quick spring clean the day before you leave for your trip. 

Get Plenty Of Rest

Rest is perhaps the last thing on your mind as you’re racing to take care of last-minute pre-trip tasks. However, travelling while you’re exhausted can be miserable. While you may be able to catch forty winks on the go, you will feel much better, less anxious and more alert if you start your trip feeling well-rested and ready to go. Get to bed early the night before your vacation, giving yourself enough time to wind down and grab at least seven hours of sleep - your body will thank you. 

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